




1. WEBBAKER- A website designing portfolio website

WEBBAKER, as the name suggest is derived from the words Web and Baker meaning we here in WEBBAKER are designing webasite like a baker designs his cake. We take into our knowledge all the possibilities and probabilities of the user here and make a website according their choice. As of 2023, it is still not ready and I am currently working on developing it and integrating a payment gateway to it so that users like now need not reach to my whatsapp account which is much more delaying measure.

Click here to go to my website and make yourself comfortable there.

2. FOREKAST- A website rich in JS with weatherAPI

ForeKast, as the name suggest is derived from the Forecasting meaning any user can get their weather forecast according to their location and can access different background according to the temperature present there.

Click here to go to my gitHub and view the project source code.

3. Instagram Clone- Clone of Social Media App Instagram

Instagram Clone is just a copy of the famous social media app Instagram. This website cannot render messages and require modifications on a large scale. moreover this is just UI of the actual website Instagram. Not prepared to be exported.

Click here to go to my gitHub and view the project source code.

4. Nature++ - A climate and nature activisim website

Nature++ was born as a reasult of my participation in an hackathon namely "BITS Pilani Postman API 2.0" organised by Birla Institute of Technolgy Pilani. The nature API demands support from users for its growth as community and has been perfectly deployed.
The outstanding fact about this webpage is that the response of the users are being stored in the firebase console. This gives us the data of the successful coordination of our community as a whole.

Click here to go to my gitHub and view the project source code.

Click here to visit Nature++ and know more about it.

5. QR Code Generator - A website which can generate any QR code from texts or links

QR code generator is mostly a project done by me to encode messages and other stuffs into a barcode which is non-human readable format. Moreover the project also has a speciality as it can be used to be implemented in API's and other stuffs

Click here to go to my gitHub and view the project source code.

Click here to visit QR Code Generator and know more about it.

6. GymOn - A website which can cooperate with nearby gym to craeate a fit enviornmnet

This website delivers productive equipments to gym users and fitness related advices. The product collaborates with the ideas of a gym user and makes a better enviornment for both of them to work together.

Click here to go to my gitHub and view the project source code.

Click here to visit GymOn and know more about it.

And much more...
You may visit the links page to know about my GitHub account for further projects uploaded there.
